The 3 Key Functions of Re:Public:
Providing accurate information, organized in a way that puts it right at your fingertips. Activists and organizations can write articles to inform the public that readers can share everywhere. An informed electorate is the cornerstone of representative government, and Re:Public makes it easier than ever before.
Through a shared community event calendar, citizens can come together for virtual or live events, rallies, protests, etc. If there is something important happening at a certain point in time, Re:Public makes it easy to share with everyone. An organized and unified public is unstoppable.
One of the biggest frustrations that many people have is that they don’t know where or how to act to help solve the issues facing the nation. The ACTIONS section of Re:Public solves that. Actions will take the viewer to the respective web page of the organizer of the action. Activists and organizations can create actions that are fed to the users of RE on a daily basis. United, we are unstoppable and the daily actions on RE are how change will get done.