Join the Movement to Remove Governor Maura Healey for Violating the Trust of the People!

Governor Healey Has Overstepped Her Authority – It’s Time to Hold Her Accountable!
Governor Maura Healey has violated her constitutional duties, supported foreign interests over the rights of the People, and has abused her power to infringe upon the freedoms guaranteed by the U.S. and Massachusetts Constitutions. The time has come for We, the People to unite and lawfully demand her removal from office.
You have the right and authority to act! Stand with fellow citizens in defending our liberties and restoring accountability in government.
The Criminal Complaint
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The Evidence
What Has Maura Healey Done?
The actions of Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey, compounded by a legislature complicit in or indifferent to her abuses and a judiciary unwilling to uphold its duties, represent a stark betrayal of the foundational principles enshrined in the Massachusetts Declaration of Rights and the Constitution of the United States. The history of the present government officials, both in Massachusetts and beyond, is marked by repeated injuries and usurpations, all aimed at consolidating unchecked authority and establishing absolute despotism over the People.
The history of abuses described demonstrates a clear pattern of systemic violations under 18 U.S.C. § 241 and 18 U.S.C. § 242. Governor Healey’s actions, along with those of the legislature and judiciary acting in collusion or negligence, have deprived the People of their constitutionally protected rights. This coordinated overreach constitutes a conspiracy to suppress those rights and a willful deprivation of protections under the color of law. These violations demand accountability under the law to restore the People’s sovereignty and the foundational principles of a free government.
Government power derives solely from the consent of the People. As Thomas Paine asserted, it is a trust created by the People, and any exercise of power beyond its delegated scope is nothing less than usurpation. Our Republic cannot endure if those entrusted with power act without accountability and beyond the limits imposed by the People. The People’s inherent sovereignty demands exact adherence to constitutional principles, as affirmed in Massachusetts Constitution, Part the First, Article XVIII: “A frequent recurrence to the fundamental principles of the constitution, and a constant adherence to those of piety, justice, moderation, temperance, industry, and frugality, are absolutely necessary to preserve the advantages of liberty, and to maintain a free government.”
Though Americans are a patient People, as our Founders recognized in their declaration that “we are disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable,” we can no longer endure such abuses. When public officials act contrary to their oaths and the trust placed in them by the People, they compromise the integrity of the government and erode the foundational principles of liberty. As John Locke observed, when executives or legislators betray their trust, they rebel against the People who retain the right to resist and replace them.
At every stage of these Oppressions, the People have sought redress with humility and sincerity, yet their repeated petitions have been met only with further injury. A government defined by such unrelenting tyranny and disregard for the rights of the People cannot be trusted to serve as the guardian of a free society. Article V of the Declaration of Rights reminds us:
“All power residing originally in the people, and being derived from them, the several magistrates and officers of government, vested with authority, whether legislative, executive, or judicial, are their substitutes and agents, and are at all times accountable to them.”
But how then shall we hold government accountable? How then do we return those who transgress against us to private life? Through petitions to the legislature? A legislature that is acting in collusion with the governor? A legislature that has altered its own rules and processes to accommodate her agenda, granting powers ultra vires and passing unconstitutional bills? Can such a legislature, which has committed many of the same grievances, truly act as a check on executive overreach?
Do we then turn to the courts? The Massachusetts Constitution, Part the First, Article XXIX declares: “It is essential to the preservation of the rights of every individual, his life, liberty, property and character, that there be an impartial interpretation of the laws, and administration of justice. It is the right of every citizen to be tried by judges as free, impartial and independent as the lot of humanity will admit. It is therefore not only the best policy, but for the security of the rights of the people, and of every citizen, that the judges of the supreme judicial court should hold their offices as long as they behave themselves well; and that they should have honorable salaries ascertained and established by standing laws.”
The courts, meant to ensure impartial interpretation and justice, have abandoned their role. Judges and courts, which should act as guardians of liberty, now fail to act in good behavior, employing doctrines of standing or general grievance to deny the People justice. The Massachusetts Constitution, Part the First, Article XI declares: “Every subject of the Commonwealth ought to find a certain remedy, by having recourse to the laws, for all injuries or wrongs which he may receive in his person, property, or character. He ought to obtain right and justice freely, and without being obliged to purchase it; completely, and without any denial; promptly, and without delay; conformably to the laws.”
Yet when the law declares that every wronged or damaged individual must have a remedy, the courts ignore this mandate, leaving the People without recourse. Instead of standing as courts of record, they shield the government from accountability and deprive the People of their right to justice.
This failure of impartiality and independence is exemplified by Governor Maura Healey’s February 2024 nomination of Appeals Court Judge Gabrielle Wolohojian to the Supreme Judicial Court. Wolohojian’s previous relationship as Governor Healey’s domestic partner raises serious ethical concerns about impartiality, independence, and conflicts of interest within the state’s highest court. This nomination demonstrates how the judiciary has been compromised, undermining the foundational principles of fairness and unbiased justice enshrined in the Massachusetts Constitution.
By eroding the public’s trust in the judiciary and disregarding the constitutional imperative for free and impartial courts, such actions deepen the systemic failures of government accountability and further alienate the People from their right to justice.
John Locke so aptly declared, “When a long train of abuses, prevarications, and artifices, all tending the same way, make the design visible to the People, they cannot but feel they are betrayed.” Thomas Paine reminded us that, “It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from its government,” and Emer de Vattel warned that, “tyranny leaves men no other option but to resist by every lawful means.”
We now stand at a pivotal moment in history, where the light of freedom flickers after enduring a prolonged pattern of abuse and overreach. If Liberty is to endure for future generations, we must rise to cast off this yoke of oppression and root out corruption and tyranny wherever it seeks to dominate and subjugate the People. The defense of Freedom demands nothing less.
The actions of Governor Healey, a complicit legislature, and an unfaithful judiciary starkly highlight the dangers of unchecked authority and underscore the urgent necessity for accountability and reform. The People of Massachusetts, as the ultimate sovereigns, retain the authority to demand that these betrayals be addressed, and the principles of a free and just government be restored.
This indictment is brought forward by We the People, asserting that Maura Healey, in her capacity as Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, has violated her oath of office, usurped authority, and engaged in maladministration, rebellion against constitutional governance, and other acts in contravention of state and federal constitutions. These violations necessitate legal accountability under relevant statutes.
This indictment alleges that the actions of Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey violated both federal and state laws, resulting in systemic maladministration, constitutional overreach, and unlawful deprivation of rights. These violations include her use of unauthorized emergency powers, unconstitutional legislation, and the unlawful allocation of state resources, all of which breach her oath of office and harm the People of the Commonwealth.
Therefore, let the following Charges Against the Accused be submitted to a candid world, for the time for redress, correction, and accountability has come:
WHEREAS, the House of Representatives passed H. Res. 253, identifying the influx of illegal immigrants as a national security issue and a significant threat to public health and safety. The resolution highlighted alarming statistics, including:
- Over 4.5 million illegal immigrants entered the United States within the specified period.
- 69 individuals on the terrorist watchlist were encountered at the southern border in the first five months of fiscal year 2023, surpassing the combined totals from fiscal years 2017 to 2021.
- S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) seized more than 14,700 pounds of fentanyl in fiscal year 2022, an amount sufficient to kill over 3 billion people.
WHEREAS, the resolution criticized the federal administration for allowing political considerations to overshadow sound policy decisions, resulting in an unsafe southern border. It also noted that CBP is overwhelmed and under-resourced, contributing to the ongoing crisis and further endangering public safety;
WHEREAS, under both the Massachusetts Constitution and the National Constitution (Original Organic Constitution of 1787), the governor is obligated to protect the state by repelling, resisting, and expelling any invaders that pose a threat to public safety. This responsibility is especially critical during crises such as a migrant influx, which can destabilize essential public services. However, Governor Maura Healey failed to fulfill this duty and instead facilitated the crisis by coordinating with federal authorities to bring migrants into Massachusetts, thereby violating 18 U.S.C. § 241 (Conspiracy Against Rights) by depriving the People of Massachusetts of their constitutionally protected rights to safety and public order. Furthermore, these actions also violate 8 U.S.C. § 1324 (Harboring Illegal Aliens), as the governor’s policies provided material support to undocumented individuals, shielding them from detection or deportation and encouraging their unlawful residence within the Commonwealth;
WHEREAS, the Massachusetts Constitution, Part the First, Chapter 2, Section 1, Article VII, Paragraph 1, grants the governor the authority as commander-in-chief to lead the state’s military forces for its defense. The Constitution explicitly empowers the governor to take necessary actions, including assembling and deploying the militia to repel and expel invaders, both within and beyond the state’s borders. This includes confronting and neutralizing any persons acting in a hostile manner that endangers the state, using all appropriate means. The governor’s failure to act in defense of the Commonwealth violates her constitutional mandate and constitutes 18 U.S.C. § 242 (Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law) by neglecting her obligation to ensure the People’s security;
WHEREAS, in July 2024, Governor Maura Healey publicly celebrated the passing of gun legislation that directly violates Massachusetts Constitution, Part the First, Article XVII, the Original Organic Constitution of 1787, 2nd Amendment, and multiple legal maxims that affirm the People’s natural and constitutional right to bear arms for self-defense. Specifically:
- Maxim 9d: “Laws are silent amidst arms.” This underscores that the People’s right to bear arms takes precedence over restrictive government actions during times of self-defense.
- Maxim 9b: “Under the name of arms are included, not only shields and swords and helmets, but also clubs and stones.” This principle asserts that all arms, including modern firearms, are included under constitutional protections.
- Maxim 9c: “It is a liberty of free citizens to retain arms for their protection and according to their condition.” This natural right, as upheld in People v. Horton, 264 N.Y.S. 84, 88, affirms the individual’s right to keep and bear arms for personal protection.
WHEREAS, in 2024, Governor Healey invoked an emergency preamble to preempt a voter referendum challenging a newly enacted gun control law, despite the People actively gathering petitions opposing the measure, which ultimately totaled 100,000 signatures. Using the guise of public safety to justify this action, the unconstitutional law was pushed through in defiance of the People’s lawful notices to the legislature, violating their constitutionally protected right to instruct their representatives as guaranteed by the Massachusetts Constitution, Part the First, Article XIX. By circumventing this fundamental right, Governor Healey obstructed the People’s ability to hold their government accountable and infringed upon 18 U.S.C. § 241 and 18 U.S.C. § 242 by willfully depriving citizens of a process guaranteed under law;
WHEREAS, in August 2023, Governor Maura Healey declared a state of emergency due to the migrant shelter crisis, acknowledging that the state’s shelter system was operating beyond capacity, thereby admitting her administration’s failure to maintain public order and prioritize resources for the People of Massachusetts, as required by her constitutional duties. The imposition of emergency powers, which are not authorized by the Massachusetts Constitution or the National Constitution (Original Organic Constitution of 1787), constitutes violations of 18 U.S.C. § 241 and 18 U.S.C. § 242 by infringing upon the People’s rights under the pretext of unconstitutional powers;
WHEREAS, Governor Healey’s administration focused substantial resources on supporting nearly 5,600 families (over 20,000 individuals) in shelters, many of whom were migrants, by providing housing, meals, transportation, phones, legal services, work authorizations, and socio-economic support through the newly created Immigrant Assistance Services (IAS) program. These actions, funded through public resources, directly violate Article LXII, Section 1 of the Massachusetts Constitution, which prohibits using public funds for private entities or individuals without proper authorization, as well as 18 U.S.C. § 872 (Extortion by Officers) through unauthorized allocation of taxpayer resources;
WHEREAS, the administration appealed to cities, towns, charities, and the public for additional assistance while partnering with private organizations such as the United Way of Massachusetts Bay and The Boston Foundation to establish the Massachusetts Migrant Families Relief Fund, which prioritized the needs of migrants over residents by funding temporary housing, food, clothing, legal aid, and other services. This misuse of public office for the benefit of non-citizens at the expense of residents constitutes violations of 18 U.S.C. § 242 and 18 U.S.C. § 1001 (False Statements) if federal reports misrepresented the state’s obligations;
WHEREAS, these efforts placed an unprecedented strain on the state’s emergency shelter system, which expanded to over 80 communities, added thousands of new units, and required the activation of 50 National Guard members to support operations, further diverting resources from Massachusetts residents. This unsustainable redirection of public funds and resources amounts to 18 U.S.C. § 241 (Conspiracy Against Rights) and 18 U.S.C. § 4 (Misprision of Felony) by failing to address violations of constitutional law;
WHEREAS, Governor Healey’s policies and resource allocation have overburdened public systems—including shelters, schools, and healthcare—and have placed undue financial strain on taxpayers while deprioritizing the People of Massachusetts, violating her constitutional obligation to protect their rights, safety, and welfare;
WHEREAS, on October 4, 2024, Governor Maura Healey received a final notice from 1,923 People entitled “Lawful Notification of Disqualification from Holding Public Office Due to Continued Maladministration of Trust”, accompanied by 32 affidavits, all of which have since cured. This notice informed Governor Healey that she willfully continued to war against the National Constitution (Original Organic Constitution of 1787) and the Massachusetts Constitution, despite prior notifications of maladministration and opportunities to correct her breach of trust. The notice further declared that her willful and continued trespass upon the People had triggered the self-executing provisions of Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, disqualifying her from holding the office of Governor and rendering all her actions null and void;
Now, THEREFORE, these actions constitute a failure to uphold her oath of office and a breach of public trust, further evidencing maladministration, violations of constitutional principles, and willful neglect of her duties under federal and state law.
Summary of Charges:
Count 1. Violation of 18 U.S.C. § 241 – Conspiracy Against Rights
Governor Healey conspired to deprive Massachusetts residents of their constitutionally protected rights by facilitating the entry and settlement of unvetted migrants, diverting state resources from the People, and enacting measures that unlawfully restricted rights such as the Second Amendment and the right to petition for redress of grievances.
Count 2. Violation of 18 U.S.C. § 242 – Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law
The defendant used her office and purported “emergency powers” to impose policies that deprived citizens of their constitutionally protected rights, including safety, liberty, and property, without proper legal authority.
Count 3. Violation of 18 U.S.C. § 872 – Extortion by Officers
Governor Healey unlawfully redirected taxpayer funds to support non-citizens, violating Article LXII of the Massachusetts Constitution and constituting an extortionate misuse of public resources.
Count 4. Violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1001 – False Statements
The defendant made false representations to federal authorities regarding the state’s obligations and conditions to secure additional funding and circumvent constitutional limitations.
Count 5. Violation of 18 U.S.C. § 4 – Misprision of Felony
Despite being notified by the People of her unlawful actions and overreach, Governor Healey knowingly failed to act upon or address constitutional violations within her administration.
Count 6. Violation of Massachusetts Constitution, Part the First, Article XVII – Infringement of the Right to Bear Arms
The defendant enacted unconstitutional gun control legislation that infringed upon the People’s natural and constitutionally protected right to bear arms for self-defense.
Count 7. Violation of Massachusetts Constitution, Article LXII, Section 1 – Unauthorized Allocation of Taxpayer Funds
Governor Healey diverted public funds to private entities, including non-citizens, for purposes not expressly authorized by law, violating constitutional limitations on the use of taxpayer resources.
Count 8. Violation of Massachusetts Constitution, Part the First, Article XIX – Suppression of the Right to Petition
The defendant suppressed the People’s right to petition for redress of grievances by invoking emergency preambles to preempt voter referenda, undermining accountability.
Count 9. Violation of Massachusetts Constitution, Part the First, Article XXIX – Compromising Judicial Impartiality
Governor Healey nominated Appeals Court Judge Gabrielle Wolohojian, her former domestic partner, to the Supreme Judicial Court, raising ethical concerns and undermining public trust in the judiciary.
Count 10. Violation of Massachusetts Constitution, Part the First, Article XI – Denial of Access to Justice
The defendant relied on doctrines of standing and general grievance to block lawsuits, denying the People access to justice and remedies for injuries or wrongs, in violation of their constitutional guarantees.
Count 11. Violation of Massachusetts Constitution, Part the First, Chapter 2, Section 1, Article VII – Neglect of Duty to Defend the Commonwealth
Governor Healey neglected her constitutional duty to repel invasions by facilitating migrant relocation efforts that overburdened public systems and endangered public safety.
Count 12. Violation of 8 U.S.C. § 1324 – Harboring Illegal Aliens
The defendant harbored and provided material support to undocumented migrants, knowingly facilitating their settlement in the state and allocating resources to shield them from detection or deportation.
Count 13. No Constitutional Provision for Emergency Powers – Unauthorized Use of Emergency Powers
The defendant invoked emergency powers not granted by the Massachusetts Constitution, rendering such actions void ab initio and violating the maxim of law: “What is not expressly written is prohibited.”
Count 14. Violation of Massachusetts Constitution, Part the First, Article XVIII – Failure to Adhere to Fundamental Principles
Governor Healey demonstrated disregard for constitutional principles such as justice, moderation, and frugality by prioritizing non-citizens over Massachusetts residents and unlawfully expanding public expenditures.
Count 15. Violation of Massachusetts Constitution, Part the First, Article V – Breach of Accountability to the People
The defendant failed to act as a substitute and agent of the People by neglecting grievances, misallocating resources, and prioritizing external interests over the welfare of the Commonwealth.
Relief Requested:
- Removal of Governor Maura Healey from Office: Maura Healey’s unlawful and unconstitutional conduct, marked by a consistent pattern of maladministration, breaches of public trust, and acts of rebellion against the National and Massachusetts Constitutions, has resulted in her automatic removal from office.
Pursuant to the self-executing provisions of Sections 3 and 4 of the 14th Amendment to the National Constitution, her actions have lawfully vacated her position as Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. This disqualification includes the forfeiture of all associated benefits, including salary and pension.
By engaging in unconstitutional behavior, Governor Healey has violated her oath of office and abdicated her duties to the People. Her abuses of power, being void ab initio, carry no lawful authority or effect, and her removal is both a legal and constitutional necessity to uphold the principles of justice and governance.
- This indictment is submitted based on the binding legal effect of unrebutted affidavits. An affidavit serves as prima facie evidence of the truth of the matters asserted within it. As established in Sampson v. Channell, 110 F.2d 754, 762 (1st Cir. 1940), “An affidavit, unless specifically rebutted, must be taken as true and binding.”
Governor Maura Healey’s failure to rebut each point within the affidavit within the time allowed has legally bound her to the facts and statements presented therein. The following maxims underscore the legal validity of this process:
- “An unrebutted affidavit becomes the judgment in law.” The truth of the affidavit, uncontested, stands as the legal determination of the matter.
b. “An affidavit must be rebutted line-by-line, in substance, by an affidavit.” Any rebuttal must address each specific point in the affidavit directly. General denials or vague responses are legally insufficient.
c. “Truth is expressed in the form of an affidavit.” The affidavit remains the definitive expression of truth unless properly contested.
d. “An affidavit is a law between the parties.” By submitting the affidavit, the lawful position has been clearly established and binds both parties unless effectively rebutted.
e. “An affidavit is a court.” In this context, the affidavit acts as a judgment, rendering a legal determination based on the unchallenged truth presented.
2. Governor Healey’s failure to comply with this legal standard affirms the validity of the affidavit’s contents and supports the submission of this indictment.
- That Governor Healey be held criminally accountable under Federal and State laws for the aforementioned described violations.
- That the court issue a lawful remedy to restore the People’s rights and constitutional governance.