Creating a Lawful Notification Letter

A lawful notification letter with notice of liability is a written communication that informs an individual or entity about a perceived violation or breach of trust. This type of letter is often used when one party believes that the other has failed to fulfill its obligations and wants to put the responsible party on notice of potential consequences or liabilities so they will have an opportunity to respond.

Our basic notice template has seven parts:

  1.  Recipient’s information: This information is contained within the Certificate of Service. Here you will place the name, title, and mailing address of the recipient or recipients that you will be placing on notice.  Only send notices to legitimate addresses, and not post office boxes.  Email information is used exclusively for electronic transmissions via applications such as Jotform.
  2. Notice Title: Craft a notice heading that clearly communicates its purpose.
  3. Sender’s Information: This is where you tell the recipient who is sending the notice and assert your authority as one of the people in whom all political power is inherent.
  4. Nature of Complaint: Here is where you would outline who did what to whom, explain why it is unlawful, and include maxims or constitutional provisions to back up your claim. In general, we use arguments of authority and reason to confirm or impugn all things.
  5. Standard Blocks(Optional): Here I include some standard blocks of information that strengthen the notice. These blocks are optional.
  6. Notice of Liability and Opportunity for Remedial Action: This section serves to notify recipients of the consequences of disregarding our lawful directives and offers them a chance to rectify their behavior.
  7. Autograph and Two Witness or Jurat Section: You can either autograph the document in front of two witnesses (Witness Version) or you can bring the notice to a notary and sign it under the pains and penalty of perjury. This document is gender-specific. (Jurat Version)

Categories and ID Format for Organizing Notices

Format: [Nickname]-[Branch Code]-[Category Code]-[Year]-[Sequential Number]

1. Notice Templates Federal Legislative Branch(FED-JUR)

   – 1.1 Congressional Legislation

   – 1.2 Budget and Appropriations

   – 1.3 Congressional Investigations and Hearings

2. Notice Templates Federal Executive Branch(FED-EXE)

   – 2.1 Presidential Orders and Actions

   – 2.2 Federal Agency Policies

   – 2.3 Law Enforcement Conduct (FBI, DEA, etc.)

3. Notice Templates Federal Judicial Branch (FED-JUR)

Maxim of Law 64ff. A court can only declare what the law is, and whether consistent with the law of God, and the fundamental or constitutional law of society. The State v. Post, 20 N.J.L. 368, 370 (1845).

  – 3.1 Federal Court Decisions

   – 3.2 Judicial Misconduct

   – 3.3 Constitutional Interpretations

4. Notice Templates State Legislative Branch(STA-LEG)

   – 4.1 State Legislation

   – 4.2 State Budget and Appropriations

   – 4.3 State Legislative Investigations

5. Notice Templates State Executive Branch (STA-EXE)

   – 5.1 Gubernatorial Orders and Actions

   – 5.2 State Agency Policies

   – 5.3 State Law Enforcement Conduct

CPS Notice Template

Lawful Notification to Child Protective Services

6. Notice Templates State Judicial Branch (STA-JUD)

   – 6.1 State Court Decisions

   – 6.2 Judicial Misconduct

   – 6.3 Constitutional Interpretations at State Level

7. Notice Templates Local Legislative (LOC-LEG)

   – 7.1 Local Ordinances and Regulations

   – 7.2 Local Budget and Appropriations

   – 7.3 Local Legislative Investigations

8. Notice Templates Local Executive (LOC-EXE)

   – 8.1 Mayoral Orders and Actions

   – 8.2 Local Agency Policies

   – 8.3 Local Law Enforcement Conduct

9. Notice Templates Local Judicial (LOC-JUD)

   – 9.1 Local Court Decisions

   – 9.2 Judicial Misconduct

   – 9.3 Constitutional Interpretations at Local Level

10. Notice Templates Corporate Conduct (COR-CON)

    – 10.1 Violations of Consumer Rights

    – 10.2 Employment and Labor Rights Violations

    – 10.3 Environmental Violations

    – 10.4 Data Privacy and Security Violations

    – 10.5 Unfair Business Practices

    – 10.6 Financial Misconduct

    – 10.7 Discrimination and Harassment

    – 10.8 Product Safety Issues

Notice in the Form of Testimony

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